Thursday, July 14, 2011

.....and that is why i am an atheist.

Isn't this thing called God an escape from miseries of this world ? An answer to the question that we dont want ourselves to answer ?
Yes it is . It is an open ended answer to the hard questions one encounters in life. We can add what we want to , what satisfies our psyche .
If there is this GOD , then good people should not die , and bad people should not live . Does that happen ?
Were the 21 people that died in Bombay yesterday were all bad people ? were 50 people who got killed in that train accident were bad people ? You got any answers , sir ?
No because you are dumb , and you are going to believe in what was told to you by your parents . Go to temples and offer prayers to lifeless idols , and not care about any living thing around you, not care about people around you.
You play dirty politics , fool around people ,hurt them as much as you can , engage in corruption , eat away somebody's else share , let people get killed in front of you , care about your foolish ego , dont give a damn about any poor lying on the street ,and you say you believe in God.
You kill people for power , swallow somebody's wealth and offer it in temple ( or whatever alike ) , be over smart and think others are dumb asses , try to control masses , are jealous of success of others , are communal and you think that polluted Ganga will make you pious.
I may be also doing some of these things , but then atleast i am true to my sub conscious , and that is why why i dont believe in God.
Do you have one reason why do you believe in God ?. I cited many why i dont.


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  3. what !!!.. "If there is GOD , them there must be evil to balance it ". What a statement !

    Anyways , i have no issue if somebody believes God , but if he does , the he should follow all His principles. Thats what i meant.

  4. I do agree with what you are saying.. My reason to believe in God is that i can say anything to Him all my sorrows, happiness and everything He may listen or may be not.. i really don't expect Him to fulfill everything.. but i feel free as all burdens in my mind are shredded.. that makes me happy...
    and about your comment "if somebody believes God , the he should follow all His principles"
    in my view you can't really follow anyone's each n every principle.. you have yours as well.. you may adapt yourself some good ones from others... but not all...

  5. Do Read it,
